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Received a Summons for Credit Debt ?

Choose Plan A, Plan B or Plan C

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    First, we will design a plan for you to deal with the creditor. 

  • Next, we will contact nd negotatie with the creditor on your behalf.

  • On our way to Court. Credit Card Defense Attorney going to court


    Then, we will go to Court for you so you never have to appear in Court.

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Did You Know That...

You Have  Only Three Choices for Dealing With a Lawsuit from a bank or other creditor:

When a creditor sues you to collect a debt, and you don’t intend to file bankruptcy, you have three choices:

  • PLAN A: Do nothing! This will obviously allow the creditor or debt collector to obtain a default judgment against you and then use that judgment to place a lien on your real property, seize your bank accounts, restrain your salary, seize your assets money owed to you by customers or clients if your business is involved in the lawsuit.

  • PLAN B:  Defend the lawsuit yourself, which you always have an absolute right to do.

  • PLAN C:  Hire an experienced credit defense attorney to represent you in the lawsuit. And then you either beat the case in court or reduce the claim as much as possible and settle it. Debt collectors are looking to seize your bank account, salary, and other assets, and we can stop them.

If you are being sued, or if debt collection attorneys are contacting you, then contact us TODAY and we will explain your rights and options before things get worse. 

There is no charge whatsoever for this consultation.

We are New York State credit defense attorneys defending consumers against creditors in courts located anywhere New York State. We defend lawsuits from credit card companies, banks, and collection companies.

We also eliminate bank account restraints, wage garnishments and liens of all types for both businesses and individual consumers. We defend against predatory banks, debt collectors, and collection attorneys using unique and individualized strategies on a case-by-case basis.

  • Can I stop a debt collector from contacting me ? 

    You can stop a debt collector from contacting you by writing a letter directly to the collector. You should send the letter with a certified return receipt requested for proof of receipt. Once the collector has received the letter, they may not contact you again except to say that there will be no further contact, or to notify you that the debt collector or creditor intends to take some specific action (i.e., you may be sued, or, your  wages may be deducted by the amount owed to satisfy the debt).  

  • May a debt collector continue to contact a consumer if the consumer believes he or she does not owe any money, and is disputing the debt?

    A collector may not contact a consumer or continue any collection activities, if, within thirty (30) days after the consumer receives written notice of the debt, he or she sends the collection agency a letter (recommended with a certified return receipt request) stating that all or part of the debt is being disputed. However, a collector can start collection activities again if a consumer is sent proof which verifies the debt, such as a copy of a bill for the amount owed. 1 For more information about disputing a debt, and debt validation, please refer to the New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection’s Consumer Law Help Manual Chapter entitled “Debt Collection.” 

  • When a consumer sends the debt collector a dispute letter what should they expect? 

    Consumers should note that sending a dispute letter to a collector does not make the debt go away if the consumer actually owes it. The consumer can still be sued by the debt collector or creditor. 2 The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act also mandates that, if a consumer submits a dispute in writing, the collector must cease collection efforts until it has provided written verification of the debt. There is no time limit for a debt collector to validate the debt.  

  • 10 Rules Debt Collectors Must Follow


     1. No Early Morning or Late Night Calls

     2. No Calls at Work, Once You Request It

     3. No Repeated or Continuous Calls

    4. No Verbal Abuse

    5. No Informing Friends, Neighbors, Co-Workers, or Your Family About a Debt

    6. No Collecting on a Debt Larger Than You Actually Owe

     7. No Dire Threats

    8. A Debt Collector Must Send Written Notice of a Debt

    9. A Debt Collector Must Honor a Written Request for No Further Contact

     10. The Debt Collector Must Verify All Disputed Debts

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  • What Happens When You Retain Us

    When You Retain Us, We:

    1. Demand Proof of Standing (The Right) To Sue You:
    2. Demand Proof Of The Debt
    3. Demand Proof Of The Amount Of The Debt
    4. Object To The Improper Offer of Hearsay Evidence

If you are being sued by credit card companies, ask for our help now!

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